Don't take my word for it. . . Refrences Page

I would never expect someone to simply take my word for it, especially in this day in age.  I can emphasize that my integrity means the world to me and that I have a heat of gold that would never steer anyone in the wrong direction.  I was raised with good values and good morals.  But I don't expect you to trust me.  So I am giving you a list of sources that I feel will be helpful for you. (in progress 10/16/11 . . . )

Better Business Bureau Link:

One of our FIRST deals run . . . THE LAUNCH OF DAILY REFERRAL!

The Wall Street Journal promotes Direct Selling as The Ultimate Social Business Model

As if we didn’t know!  lol!   Thanks Wall Street Journal!
Well for those who are still seeing the traditional business model as the best way to go,
it may be time to admit that traditional businesses may deserve a better business model.
For those interested in educating themselves about Direct Selling – aka – Network Marketing, this article is for you.
Let’s clarify a few commonly used words for those who are new to the scene.
Pyramid:  ”a shape”!  It’s what people refer to when referring to the organizational layout of a Network Marketing company.
And, … well it’s the shape of every corporation, and government. and school. Take a look.
Robert Kiyosaki had this to say about Pyramids.
“One type of pyramid, the traditional type, has its base on the ground; the other type has its base in the air. It’s a pyramid that pulls you up instead of pushing you down. A network marketing business gives everyone access to what used to be the domain only of the rich.”
“Pyramid scheme” is a word that many people use to describe something they saw on the internet that they are uncertain about. Pyramid schemes are illegal.  A company would be classified as a pyramid scheme if money was being exchanged for no product, or if it was fraudulent.  Network Marketing Companies that have a viable product for sale, are not classified as pyramid schemes.
Pyramid scheme: a non-sustainable business model that involves promising participants payment, services or ideals, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme or training them to take part, rather than supplying any real investment or sale of products or services to the public. Pyramid schemes are a form of fraud. Source:
Multi-level Marketing - (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Some people equate MLM with direct selling, although MLM is only one type of direct selling. (Source:
Direct selling: a retail channel for the distribution of goods and services. At a basic level it may be defined as marketing and selling products, direct to consumers away from a fixed retail location. …  (Source:
Many people mistakenly use the terms Network Marketing, Direct Selling, and Multi-level Marketing (MLM) interchangeably.  Whereas, they are all related,  Network Marketing (word of mouth marketing, or building your market via a network) is the umbrella over Direct Selling and MLM.  Companies are then divided into “Direct Selling”  or “MLM” based on the company’s compensation structure.  Direct Selling is a direct sale to the customer, and is paid out as such, the customer  directly pays the distributor.  In MLM the sale is between the customer and the company, and is paid out as such through the downline, thus creating residuals.
Clearly the most powerful compensation plan you could participate in, have the best of both worlds;  the front end profit, (aka direct sale), plus a bonus structure (aka MLM/residual).
So why is Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Brian Tracy (etc)  and now the Wall Street Journal  so excited about Direct Selling?
In Sunday’s June 26th, 2011 edition, the Wall Street Journal describes Direct Selling as “The Ultimate Social Business Model”!

Just an example of the high caliber of people that this company is attracting:
Periodontists Dr. Ross Lambert

Carlos Rey

Carlos has created one of the largest organizations in history of direct sales. He’s reached the top position of two of the world’s largest direct sales companies in record time. He accomplished this by helping hundreds and thousands to reach their goals. His passion today is helping others in all areas of their life not just financial. As Carlos says “It is important for people to prepare themselves for success. Success is not something that just happens. You must prepare yourself for success.” He has dedicated himself to help others by giving motivational teachings, personal experiences and has helped people to become better overall, not just in a business area, also on a personal level.

Early Years

My family and I came from Cuba to the United States when I was just 1-year old. When my family arrived in South Florida, my father took 3 jobs and my mother 2 and saved up enough money so they can start their own traditional business. My father was an entrepreneur and he started his own furniture business. He worked very hard and built quite a significant company. Then unexpectedly, my father passed away and I took over the business at a very young age. Furniture was all I ever knew and I always thought that I’d be in the furniture business for the rest of my life. My father used to tell me “Son, be careful and don’t make the same mistake a lot of people make - they learn a profession or a certain career or business and they get stuck in that profession.” He also said “Be careful you don’t become a ‘furniture man’; the fact that you know about furniture doesn’t mean you are going to focus just on that. There will be some other opportunities that will come your way and you need to be open to looking at them.” This is a big mistake most of the people make – they develop a profession or a particular business and they get stuck with it all their life. And that is what happened to me - I became a ‘furniture man’.

Hurricane Andrew

In August of 1992 Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida and we literally lost everything. Every time I think back on what had happened, I always thank God for that event. I believe everything happens for a reason in life. As long as we moved forward with a positive attitude, learning from our challenges, things will always work out for the better.

Starting the Business

After the hurricane, I started to work for a big company for a couple of years, a friend of mine approached and introduce me to the “direct selling industry”. Initially I was not interested and it took him a year and a half to show me the business plan. I was used to traditional business, I did not understand home based businesses. I got involved anyways just in case it did work. Then I started making a little bit of money, and it all started to make sense. After I had been in the business for a little while, a friend of mine called me – a friend that I started in the business and he wanted to thank me. He said “Carlos, I really want to thank you. I finally got something for my children’s future.” So I said to myself, “Wait a minute – what is this? What I’m not seeing here?” So I quickly got serious. I didn’t get involved when I signed the application; I got involved really when I started to see how people’s eyes would be opened up and how hope would be back into their lives again. Finally they have something to control in their destiny. I realized that this business is about helping others first, so I started working, studying and applying personal development principles where I can truly help others. So I started to help people achieve what they wanted. I sat down with them to find out what it was exactly they wanted in their lives. I started to learn techniques on how to develop financial plans – first by finding out what they wanted, such as saving for their children’s college education, building that dream house, buying a new car, taking vacations with their families, etc. When I started working with them in achieving their dreams and reaching their goals, it was then when I realized that this business is about one thing: The more you help people achieve what they want, the more what you want will become a reality. It’s not necessary any sales experience in order to have success in this industry.