Leaders ARE Readers

The 10 Network Marketer Commitments:

1.      Figure out your “Why”

2.      Launch Your Business within 10 days of getting started
  • · Make your list of 100 and invite them to a Business Launch
    • · Order your business cards
  • · Set up Dates and Times – Don’t Stop at 1

3.      Write down your daily, weekly and monthly goals
  • · Map out goals to keep you focused on your outcome

4.      Commit to at least 2 Business or Customer Exposures per day
  • · Sharing and referring our products is how you make residual money
  • · Recruiting is how you build your business for long term income and bonus money

5.      Attend Local Meetings / Weekly Trainings Available
  • · Learning and connecting is a key element for success
  • · Bring prospects who are interested to a local meeting

6.      Attend Regional Events in your area
  • · Keep your email address up-to-date in the Back Office
  • · Attend Events that are within 1-5 hours of you

7.      Attend all National Events

8.      Commit to Personal Development
  • · Books
  • · Audiotapes
  • · Classes / training

9.      Find a Partner to Work With
  • · Someone who will make you stretch to achieve more in your business

10.  Be Here a Year from Now
  • · Commit to the other nine distributor commitments

Can You Get Full Time Results From Part Time Effort?

Do you think you think there is not enough time in your day to work a Network Marketing business?
Part Time Network Marketer’s make up the largest majority of our profession and most people start out part time. Don’t be fooled, though! It is very possible to build a full time business with part time effort.
Here are some ideas to make the most of a part time effort:
1. Every Sunday evening, block out your calendar for those time slots that you have available to work your business. This may mean sacrificing a few things like TV for 4 hours a night, lunch out with the work gang, etc.
2. Make every moment count. Again, focus. If you block out 5 to 10 hours per week, you must make the most of that time. That is not the time you spend lost in email; listening to company voice mail, opening mail, designing a flyer, etc. This is time that is spent doing one of three things – presenting your business, asking someone new to take a look, or following up with someone who has seen it. That’s it
3. You must have a simple, duplicable and organized system for working through your contact list. Let the tools of your business do the work for you.
4. Be consistent and persistent. Honor your business time and demand that others honor it, too. Get your calls out of the way early on, so you can relax and enjoy the rest of your day, doing whatever.
5. Learn your business and the compensation plan, and develop a quick 5-10 minute presentation for explaining it. Don’t worry about knowing every fine details of the compensation plan. Know how to explain how to earn a couple hundred to one thousand dollars extra a month.
A full time effort has nothing to do with the hours available in the day. It’s what you do with that time that counts!
Never give up and stick to your schedule and you will see results!

Two A Day To Stay In Play

Wouldn’t you agree that anyone who is serious about their business can talk to 2 people a day? How would this change your business success? It doesn’t matter what company you are with, what product you represent or how new or old you are in your business, people are the lifeblood!
The power in just talking to 2 people a day about your business or your products is staggering. It may not seem like much that day (and on the other hand, it may seem like a TON) at the end of the month, you’ll have talked to 60 people. I would be willing to bet, if you are doing things correctly and keeping the needs of the person to whom you are speaking in mind, you are going to have some level of success to report back at the end of that month!
Consistency in this business is CRITICAL!
If you are feeling overwhelmed and as if you are struggling, stop for a minute and determine what your 5 most important action steps are EACH DAY and EACH WEEK.
Certainly, talking to 2 people a day would move you forward if it was on your daily action list.
This could be calling 2 people about hosting a party for you; calling 2 people to ask – “who do you know who likes to get free stuff and have parties?”; calling 2 people to ask -”Who do you know who loves XYZ Products  and might want to earn some extra income?”
Who do you know who wants to earn extra income in their own business?
Try it and see what happens.

Favorite Way to Easily Get Network Marketing Leads Offline

I write a lot of articles about getting more networking marketing leads. Some of the methods involve the Internet and take a little bit of technical knowledge to implement and others are so darn simple that anyone in any part of the world can do it. Today’s blog is about the simplest, easiest way to get Network Marketing leads offline that anyone can start doing immediately.
What Makes a Good Network Marketing Lead?
This is a great question, and one more people should be asking. Too often network marketers believe they should try really hard to close everyone they ever run into and I am not suggesting NOT to talk to everyone but, there are certain basic characteristics I look for that makes someone a good Network Marketing lead or prospect. If I had to boil it down to one single attribute it would be this:
A good Network Marketing Lead is someone who is looking for more.
Sometimes you have to help that person understand they are looking for more but if you show me someone who has given up on life and has decided, despite hating their job, to stick it out and not attempt to lead a better lifestyle, that is someone I will not spend much time talking to. You want to find people that believe in the pursuit of more. More time, more freedom, more quality of life, more money, whatever their MORE is, they have to have the basic hunger and desire for something more in their life.
Offline Marketing Way
to Get MLM Leads
So, there are several really good offline marketing tactics that I have used and suggest. There are The Bandit Signs that work well and the drop cards that are cool but my favorite is attending local meetings and grabbing the contact information of the attendees and following up with them.
Here is how it works:
1) Use Meetup.com, your local newspaper, or any other advertising engine that lists local meetings. Locate meetings that “people who want more” would attend. Law of attraction, real estate, financial planning, cashflow are all sorts of meetings that may host these types of people.
2) Attend the meetings or if you work fulltime, consider hiring someone to go to the meetings with one thing in mind: To get business cards. You or the person you send is NOT going there to pitch your business, wear a company hat or pass out pens. You see, that is what everyone ELSE does, so, you be different.
3) Grab as many business cards as you can while moving through the crowd like a ninja. Using phrases such as, sorry to interrupt but I heard you talking and was wondering if I could grab your business card? Or, Listen, I have to go and meet someone over there but I did not want to miss the chance to get your contact information as I heard you talking earlier. You want to avoid talking about your business at all costs so sometimes you may create a break in communication so you can avoid the age old problem of talking way too much.

4) Call every business card that you or your cohort got from the meetings within 24 hours. Say it was nice to meet them and apologize that you did not have more time to chat with them at the meeting. By studying their own business card, ask them these three questions:
(1) How long they have been doing what they are doing?
(2) How they got into that line of work?
(3) What is the perfect type of prospect for them in case you run into anyone that fits their description?
You want to look for any opening of desire or problem while at the same time being genuine in your desire to listen to them. If you let them talk long enough you can usually pinpoint an area of desire or problem such as, “with the market doing what it is doing” or “been putting in a lot of hours”, etc. You will use this language later.
5) Once you have found a desire, need or problem, have them expand on it. You mentioned the market has changed, has that been tough to deal with? Let them talk and tell you whatever it is they have a current problem with.
6) Suggest a possible solution using their language. Let me show you what I mean, here is an example:
“Jim you mentioned that you were working more hours now with the market doing what it is doing and the truth is I work with a lot of professionals that are in the same exact boat. If I could show you a way to start generating some extra money without interfering with your current job, would you be open to taking a look?”
7) Use a company resource with a slight takeaway. Most network marketers make dumb promises when they are introducing their business. If they learned to do a bit of a takeaway, their results would skyrocket. Here is an example:
“Jim, I want you to keep in mind that this may or may not be for you. I meet professionals like you all the time that make a decision to work with me but either way, it is certainly great having you as a new contact. I have a brief video I can send over to you, how soon can you take a look at it?”

Why it Works So Well

People are impressed when someone follows up with them from an event as hardly anyone does it. They are also impressed that you are not remembered as the guy that tried to pitch them at the event. When you handle the communication professionally without an addition to the outcome or trying to shove your business down their throat they will respect you. You know why else this works? Only people that want MORE attend local meetings. This beats talking to the person that you have to convince should have a better life. 

Before You Even Think About Buying Business Opportunity Leads

I know what I’ll do! I’ll just take the easy route and buy some business opportunity leads! Surely someone who has already asked for information on a homebased business would LOVE to talk to me or get my emails!
That is what a lot of budding home based entrepreneurs think but buying business opportunity leads may not be all its cracked up to be. I am going to share my experiences with buying leads and 3 things to know before you drop some moolah.

What do I classify as Business Opportunity Leads?

I would classify business opportunity leads as contacts you are purchasing that are either the emails and/or phone numbers of people who has shown an interest in a homebased business. These leads can come from ALL kinds of places such as magazines, direct mail, radio, etc.

1. Should this be your first approach?

Well, it depends but in most cases I would say no. If you are a crusher on the phone and love cold calling and at the same time do NOT wish to create your own lead generation mechanisms, then, ok, maybe buying these types of leads are for you! Now, I know that some reading this will comment and tell me how great they have done with buying leads and I will reply back that you are the minority! I think it takes a pretty special person to make financial sense out of buying leads, and, for that special person, it will make them a ton of money!

2. OK, I bought them, how do I talk to them?

OK, so let’s say you went ahead and bought some leads, now what?!? YOU CONTACT THEM! OK, laugh now but I know PLENTY of people who have purchased leads just to have their phone feel like 800 pounds and NEVER END UP CONTACTING THEM! Don’t let this be you! These are GRRRR-EAT for practice! (marketer note: Notice that the Grr’s are separated by the word EAT, what is it telling you to do, lol)
Practice will make you the best. Practice beats talent. Discipline trumps ability and talent. If you have purchased leads and it turns out they are terrible, PRACTICE with them! (For more on the importance of practice, read Malcolm Gladwell’s book: Outliers)
The reality is the people that have entered their information to learn more about a homebased business, probably entered their info on 50 different websites. When you buy these business opportunity leads, even if the company swears to you that they only sell them once and they are fresh, the person will probably not know what the hell you are talking about so you want to be a bit vague. Also, take a note from my friend Todd Falcone who says to evaluate all the information on the lead before you call them so you can build some immediate rapport. Look up their zip code and think of someone you know from or around there. Or, something that was in the news, or, whatever, you get the point! Here is a basic sample script you could use:
Contact: Dave Davison
You: Dave?
Dave’s not here man (sorry, couldn’t resist), This is Dave
Dave, you entered your information on my make money from home site and I wanted to call you to see how I could help you. By the way, I see that you are in Southwest Florida, I have a good friend named Ray Higdon that lives there and he loves it, he has a little maltese named Baxter, how long have you lived there? (paraphrasing people, work with me!)
Do NOT call the lead and sound like a company or a salesperson, they will NOT want to talk to you and certainly don’t try to get them to remember where they entered their information at because they also won’t remember that.

3. Is
there a better way

I say yes there is. I think you are much smarter spending the time to attract people to YOU versus some generic information page. Is it harder? Yes. Does it take more time? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely. When I talk to my leads most of them tell me that they feel like they already know me. That is powerful when you have leads that feel like they already know you.
People do business with people they trust and know.
About a year ago I plugged into an attraction marketing system called my lead system pro. This is where I learned attraction marketing. Now, there are several different systems out there that you can try, I have only tried this one and it has worked so why would I ever switch? I simply found a person that exemplified the type of presence I wanted to have online and asked them what they did (imagine that!).
I would encourage anyone that is considering buying business opportunity leads to at least look into attraction marketing. It has made all of my calls much easier to make and let’s face it, people sign up with other people not with opportunities. Talking to purchased biz opp leads versus leads who have opted in to learn more about ME, is a huge difference.
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How to Call and Follow Up with Your Network Marketing Leads

The most profitable skill you can develop is your phone skills. This blog will give you a guideline on how to call your Network Marketing leads and how to follow up with them to ensure the highest return on your time.

When Should You Call Your Networking Leads?

Someone opts into your capture page or blog and leaves their phone number, when should you call them? My suggestion is to call them as quickly as possible. DO NOT be desperate when you call them but if you call them right away you establish that you are a professional and there is a human being behind the website. Most marketers never call their leads as they are too lazy, scared or think they are too cool for school. This gives YOU a huge advantage. Let the lazy wonder why they never get any sales and you can gobble up people left and right.
If you call them right away and you hear them through the phone listening to the video you wanted them to watch when they opted in, tell them to finish that and you can call them back or they can call you when they are done. As people have A.D.D., you want to reach out to them before they are on some other marketers page which will make you stand out.

What do you say to your Network Marketing leads?

The focus should be on them, not you. Here is exactly what I say when I call my Network Marketing leads:“Hey there, this is Jim Jones, I saw that you visited one of my pages and wanted to reach out to see how I can help you.”
Then I listen and my goal is to get then to talk as much as possible. After listening I might ask them questions such as:
- What has recently changed in your life that has you open to a home business?
- Are you getting the leadership and support in your current company that you feel you need?
- How are you doing with generating leads online?
The goal, again, is to get them to talk which will supply me with enough information to know which direction to move them toward. If I feel they may be a fit with my primary company, I might suggest they go and watch my recorded presentation and follow up with me.

What About Leaving Voicemails?

There is a lot of gold in leaving voicemails as most people do it totally wrong. The goal of a voicemail is to get a callback, not explain your compensation plan or product. Leave a very simple voicemail. If you are NOT generating 30-50 leads per day, this is where you need to focus your energy to squeeze as much out of each lead as possible.

The first voicemail.
Leave a simply one saying, Hey there, this is ______, I was referred to you, please give me a call back at xxxxx. You do NOT want to sound like a sales person or they probably will not call you back. Another option you can play with as people are hooked on training like crack addicts is to call and say this, Hey, this is ____, just calling to get your information to send you our free training, call me back at _____ so we can get this out to you.

The second voicemail.
This should give a slight bit more information such as, Hey there, this is _____, yesterday you visited my site on making money from home and just reaching out to see how I can help you, you can reach me at ________.

The third voicemail.

This is where you do the takeaway. Hey ___, this is ____, just wanted to know we are taking you off our list of people serious about making money from home. Wish you the best of luck and thanks for visiting the website, www.____.com. Take care and this will be the last time we call, good luck. You will get the most callbacks from this message as people respond well to the fear of loss.
Hope this helps you with contacting your  leads. Be sure to enter your name and email in the box to the right to download my instant lead generation training.

In closing, follow up, follow up and follow up!  Do not leave any lead unturned.  Everyone is a rep, a customer, or BOTH!  Find people that you want to work with and take the lead, and lead with outstanding value!  Again, people are hungry for training, and you have all the tools to make this happen for them, for almost FREE or very little cost.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

No matter what business you are in, you need LEADS. Leads are the foundation which will help you business grow to new heights.

I believe that you need to talk to at least 3 new people every day to weed out the people you want to work with on a daily bases.

I also believe as you are talking to individuals over time you want to determine if you would like to work with the person based on whether you would want to go on a vacation with them if they paid for it! Yes, would you go on a absolutely free vacation with this person? That is how I chose who I want to work with in my daily business.

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